For intellectual honesty’s sake, I’ll acknowledge that this cover is a criticism of a specific strain of Jewish culture, namely the Mussar movement and its contemporary expression in (Israeli) Charedi society. It’s important for me to emphasize this because in general my criticisms are much broader, and pertain to...
Some questions I had about Judaism, I got answers that worked, to a point.
There were explanations that fit within a larger framework. And as long as that framework was intact, the answers worked.
"Why does the Torah tell us to do this or that?""Because God said so."
Fair enough.
I can struggle...
“No other religion claims to have experienced public revelation. Therefore, it’s a claim that is so outlandish, that it must have actually occurred because otherwise no one else would have been stupid enough to believe in it, or brazen enough to ‘introduce’ it into the cultural narrative.”
Thus goes the...
From the back cover:
Are you worried that someone from the secular world will ask you a question about Judaism that you don’t have an answer for?
Are you heading out to a campus to inspire others about Judaism with only a tenuous amount of knowledge of it yourself?
Are you concerned...
Having grown up deeply ingrained in the Orthodox Jewish world view, it’s a constant process for me to re-examine what I was taught. Some things obviously rubbed me the wrong way, and I questioned them as part of my journey.
Other things were less aggravating, so I simply accepted them...
“Judaism is about relationships,” sayeth the narrative. “It’s about aligning yourself with truth. It’s about becoming more like God, so that you can connect with God (how that doesn’t work is the subject of a separate article).”
Furthermore, “Only dim witted people, like women and children (a pretty direct paraphrase...
Interesting anecdote about this book cover. It's a composite of two different Rabbi faces, i.e. it's not any specific Rabbi, so that I wouldn't poke fun unnecessarily at someone. That's how much of a tzadik I am.
From the back cover:
Rabbi Shlomo Levi Birenshmaltz (ZATZHA"L: of blessed, blessed memory), like...
If you believe in God from a philosophical point of view, you shouldn’t need any emotional scaffolding to keep things up.
The absurdity of one-off inspirational stories of any kind should be obvious to even the most casual of contemplators, and yet it forms a huge part of religious culture.
Current Weather in Hell
scattered clouds
100 %
40 %
Even More Freidom
Chapter #3: Mishna
We didn’t have summer vacation at school. We studied every single day of the year. So the...
Modes of transportation
Some run towards the fire, Some run from it
Some ride towards the end.
Head held high, staunchly gripping...
50 Shades of Gadlus
Hear me out.
You know how Song of Songs, that legendary work of erotic poetry by the wisest...