Good news: if you have money, even being A Good Jew in The Eyes of God™ is easier. Instead of slaving away getting your house clean for Passover, just sell your house to a non-Jew (awesome loophole, Rabbis!) and go to the nearest tropical resort you can find. There, you...
The kiruv world prides itself in its open-mindedness. "Ask us anything! We will change our views in a heartbeat if you convince us! Sure you can ask about sex, and no, we don't use a hole in the sheet, we're super progressive!" But ask yourself, have any of the really difficult...
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me this, I'd have enough money to start my own religion. Or at least my own congregation. Same difference, really. Everyone seems to have some magical elusive Judaism that I'm missing out on."Your Judaism is not like my Judaism.""You should...
This one is a kiruv special, not aimed at Judaism as a whole. "Did you know the Matrix is a metaphor?That Groundhogs Day teaches us a valuable lesson?That the lead singer for Maroon 5 is Jewish? (and hawt, mmm!)What Gossip Girl can teach you about having a great Jewish marriage! If...

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Even More Freidom

Our Father in Heaven

Our father in heaven they sayThe father of mercyBut as an almighty beingHe hath chosen to live...

Chapter 16: Spreading Wings

I have long had a tenuous relationship with Israel. Israelis as a collective bug the shit out...


Sample from chapter #1: Sex in Judaism is a beautiful thing. It’s also terrible. When you do it...

Something’s Gotta Give

My partner just came back from an eight-day silent meditation retreat. She remarked (with some jealousy) how...

Aish Hatorah, Saviors of Souls

If one man can kill six million Jews, then one man can save six million Jews. That mantra,...