I was back in Aish Hatorah. I guess like positivity childhood memories that resurfaced after I'd dealt with parental trauma, my subconscious felt I was ready to find some good beneath the wreckage. The building was even bigger and more magnificent - and more rambly. I wandered through towering mazes...
Shame is a bitch. A motherfucking cuntbusting bitch. Of all negative emotions, it’s the one that hits me the hardest, because it challenges my very existence. To stare in the face of your shame is to stare into the gut clenching void that says “you suck too much to be here at...
Psychedelics have played a key part in my growth and healing past traumas. When I have spoken about them in the past, more people have asked me about my experiences, and I finally sat down to complied a rough overview of my own journey. Along the way, I tried...
It’s hard to be compassionate when you’re afraid. And charedim are afraid of everything. Of God, of change, of novelty. Growing up, a healthy dose of compassion would have gone a long way, but there was none to be found. Yiras Shomayim, fear of God, is what it was...

Current Weather in Hell

light rain
62.5 ° F
63.8 °
62.5 °
67 %
75 %
66 °
68 °
74 °
78 °
72 °

Even More Freidom

Pew Pew

Gedlya Goldfinger holstered his PsalmRay. Whereas the rest of the Goyishe Velt used neutron chips and nanotechnology to...

Chapter #10: The IDF

I joined the army on my 20th birthday. I desperately wanted a change in scenery. This whole yeshiva...

Chapter #12.5: Independence

As all this darkness and such was unfolding I found myself in a top rabbinical academy, studying...

Sefira, Baby

Rabbi 1: Summer is coming, brace yourself. Rabbi 2: oy vey, summer? People have way too much fun...

Call Me Noah – The Musical

I made a song about a certain someone. No clue if anyone else will like it. But...