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Life, The Universe, and Everything

I opened my eyes for the first time, and saw from one end of the universe to the other. It was grossly overrated. For this? For this you dragged me into existence? Freshly born, in that first instant I had an understanding of all things. And I understood it was not worth...
Some questions I had about Judaism, I got answers that worked, to a point. There were explanations that fit within a larger framework. And as long as that framework was intact, the answers worked. "Why does the Torah tell us to do this or that?""Because God said so." Fair enough. I can struggle...

Current Weather in Hell

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Even More Freidom


This being a synagogue bathroom, I suppose it makes sense that one would flush religiously.

Shit People Teach in the Name of Religion

I recently crowdsourced a list of things people had been told or taught during their stint with...

The Right of Return

"Those delusional Palestinians," I remember my father telling me as a child. "It's been 60 years since...

Parenting 101

I must go now, children. But there is cereal in the pantry and I made a list...