

    Sukkot is a Jewish holiday in which Jews practice impermanence by moving all their possessions into a temporary dwelling, called a Sukkah, and getting really attached to how this dwelling is treated.

    No dirty utensils are allowed into the Sukkah, and a lot of time is spent consuming copious amounts of food in the Sukkah in a way that looks remarkably like a fulfillment of cravings.

    Defined by some as “Jewish camping”, most Jews in North America do not sleep in their Sukkah during Sukkot because it widely understood that God was not impractical enough to expect them to be outside during a Canadian fall.

    In biblical times, Sukkot was a harvest festival, and involved a bunch of water being scooped up from one place and ceremoniously dumped in another. This led to great joy and dancing and merriment in a celebration called Simchat Beit Hashoeva, or “The Happiness of the House of Suction”.

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