Modes of transportation


Some run towards the fire,
Some run from it

Some ride towards the end.

Head held high, staunchly gripping the handlebars.

Others try to speed away from it.

Some honk.

Some would never honk.

Some prefer to experience it from the ass the of the car in front of them 160mph

Some are white knuckling it on the far-right lane.

In 1984, Harley Davidson released their Evo blockhead air0cooled engine featuring a unique 45-degreen V-twin layout that became a signature feature of their band.

Who’s to say there is a right way?

Places to go.

People to see.

The top 50 destinations you should see before you die.

Some fall asleep at the wheel.

Some fall into a trance, forgetting where they’ve been the last 20 minutes.

My mother says her last 20 years were like that.

I wonder what she means by that.

I wonder if she’s woken up yet.

The Mazda MX-5 features a Skyactive-G 16 4-cylindar engine with 181 horsepower at 7,000 rotations per minute that can propel its owner right out of his miserable existence for about 30 seconds.

Show, don’t tell.

Don’t talk about how obvious this metaphor is, death yawning at the end.

It’s a conveyor belt we’re on.

Emerging from the yawning black chasm of our parent’s disapproval.

Churning towards the inevitability we’re headed towards regardless of whether we choose to lie on the grass, inert, waiting for a parent, a paramedic, or our own children to come and save us.

The grand highway from cradle to the grave.

The Bagger 288 is manned by five people and can dig up 220,000 tons of coal per day.

Some prefer green. Some prefer red.

That uncanny feeling when only the others have a stoplight and you’re wondering if you’ve missed a cue.

Permission where no one else has.

Holding still while everyone else can proceed. 

The Cannondale Carbon 3 Synapse bicycle is a marvel of precision engineering.

Some should not be drivers at all.

But we’re all thrown into a car at the moment of birth and at some point, we slowly inch out of the passenger seat into the driver’s seat while the car is still in motion.

You need a license for a great many things.

But you don’t need one to become a parent.

Sometimes your only skill as a parent is your ability to ejaculate into a woman’s vagina.

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