

I’ll just restate my main opinion, starting with my own personal experience:

I hate Purim. As an introvert and highly sensitive, the justification for noise, chaos, and zero respect for personal space or belongings would stress me to no end.

Yeshiva guys would invade the house asking for money. A friend once stole my electric guitar and came back hours later with a chip in it’s paint. One group of yeshiva guys came to ask my dad for money, and the leader, who was a neighbor, called me evil for being in the IDF which charedim don’t do.

Fuck that shit and its total irresponsibility.

How can we have a day where everyone is automatically happy? How does that conform to your specific moods or life situations? What if you, like me, are getting your period today?

In this specific criticism, I will admit that a lot of what Purim looks like today is a result of culture, not the core Jewish idea. Purim was a rather late invention, and the traditional rabbis had very little to say about how it should be practiced.

And I prefer not to criticize culture, because no culture is perfect, only God’s religion is. I’ll just say that I always hated Purim the way it seems to be celebrated by most people. I prefer to spend every day of my life trying to be as authentic as possible, to “drop my mask”. I don’t need a specific day to supposedly do that, following which one would regress into another 354 days of suppressing their emotions – like most people do.

I remember in Yeshiva, it was always the mild mannered kids who become violent, or violently ill, or both, and it was always a shock to see just how much of their personality was being suppressed the rest of the time. People crying, people invading your space – own that shit year round man, and deal with it.

Let’s just end with a little thing about the whole revenge/genocide thing. I don’t really care if “we don’t know who Amalek is today”, blah blah blah. The dream of killing every last man woman and child who belong to a specific ethnicity, or “bashing their babies heads against rocks” to quote our dear King David in reference to the Babylonians, sounds just a wee bit unhinged to me.

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