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Flip the tables for a moment, and imagine the Jews as Palestinians – how would you interpret their behaviors?

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter

Imagine the Jews were living in a country. Not even Israel, which holds much Sentimental Value. Just an arbitrary land, in which they happen to be comfortable. 

Let’s say it was Poland.

Along comes a group of people, let’s call them the OyVeys, who say “no, this is our land. We were promised this land since time immortal. We once lived on this land like, 2000 years ago. We’ve been praying about coming back here ever since.” They also point out that a tiny fraction of OyVeys have been continuously living in the land throughout this entire time.

Now, the OyVeys have actually suffered a lot over the years. They have been the world’s #1 scapegoat for centuries (although they admit that the Jews never harmed them much). But they are also good with money, with talking the talk, and with wheedling themselves into positions of power and influence when possible.

And so, they establish institutions like the OyVey Colonial Trust and the OyVey Colonization Association. They convince the leading countries of the time that it’s about time they went back to their ‘historic homeland’.

This gets put up for a vote, and they are allocated 56% of the land despite constituting 33% of the population. (20 years earlier it had only been 11%)

The Jews are angry at this development and heroically revolt, fighting for their own autonomy and to not lose their homes. 

As part of that uprising, thousands of Jews are killed, including many civilians. Others are forced to flee their homes, either at gunpoint or out of fear. Sometimes those homes were bulldozed and OyVey neighborhoods built there instead. Other times, OyVeys moved into the existing houses.

The revolt, although ultimately unsuccessful, is later immortalized as the “Wroclaw uprising”, which Jews mark every year as an act of heroism and defiance.

The Jews never give up on their hope to live freely in the land they once lived in, just like all the other citizens of countries around them can.

They keep fighting a resistance battle. Many are arrested and killed. They are immortalized in a museum called “The Museum of Underground Prisoners .”

A notorious resistance leader, famous for leading many attacks against OyVey military and civilians, eventually becomes a political leader and attempts to negotiate with them. His name is Yasser Begin Menachem Arafat. These negotiations are not successful.

The OyVeys continue their crackdown. They declare any expression of separate Jewish identity a criminal offense. They ban all political gatherings of 10 or more Jews.

They keep the Jews in designated areas, give them special identity cards, and build tall walls to keep them in place.

If Jews throw rocks in protest, they shoot them in the legs. Sometimes they accidentally hit their head instead. Woops. 

Occasionally OyVeys will rampage through a Jewish town and set it on fire. Nothing is done.

The world protests.

The OyVeys remind the world that they are the only democratic country in Eastern Europe.

On average, for every OyVey killed in the conflict, 20 Jews are killed in response.

The OyVeys remind the world that they are the most ethical army in existence.

Thousands of Jews are arrested and kept in prison without charge.

The world complains.

The OyVeys remind everyone that they have been victims themselves, not once, but many times.

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