
Freidom Fighter Profiles a Famous Kiruv Rabbi

In the hyperbolic style of Mishpacha Magazine. Inspired by bullshit like this. Mild mannered and unassuming,...

Velvel He Was

              Shimon and Shmuesster are proud to present the newest title in the "Rebbi Stories"...

Chevy Escapade

The Chevrolet Escapade truly is a tiny a vehicle. But it gets great gas mileage....

Suffering: Understanding the Ununderstandable

Spot the meme. Also, double negatives are so not not cool.

Returning to Footsteps

My partner and I recently attended a retreat organized by Footsteps, the organization that supports...

Sefira, Baby

Rabbi 1: Summer is coming, brace yourself. Rabbi 2: oy vey, summer? People have way too...

Book Covers

If you believe in God from a philosophical point of view, you shouldn’t need any emotional scaffolding to keep things up. The absurdity of one-off inspirational stories of any kind should be obvious to even the most casual of contemplators, and yet it forms a huge part of religious culture. I...
See also, Hashgacha Pratis.
This one is a kiruv special, not aimed at Judaism as a whole. "Did you know the Matrix is a metaphor?That Groundhogs Day teaches us a valuable lesson?That the lead singer for Maroon 5 is Jewish? (and hawt, mmm!)What Gossip Girl can teach you about having a great Jewish marriage! If...


Quotes and Memes


A Response to “My Unorthodox Life”

The following is a guest post by Yair Gordon. I found his response articulate, poignant, and personal,...


It's been a while. Can you tell I'm angry? I guess this one has been too painful to...


Pew Pew

Gedlya Goldfinger holstered his PsalmRay. Whereas the rest of the Goyishe Velt used neutron chips and nanotechnology to power their zappers, the psalm ray, engineered...


“The will of God is so,” explains the The Kiruv Rabbi in the most non-condescending voice he can muster. The Pimply Kid before him, plucked from the bottom of the university barrel, nodded stupidly. “And so,” continued the Rabbi, “It figures by default that the Jews are the most important people in the universe.” He proceeds to illustrate this point beyond any...
I was recently called arrogant by a Shabbos guest. I didn’t object, because maybe I’m arrogant, but I have the humility to admit it. But here’s what else is arrogant: assuming you’re smart enough to not fall for a kiruv-style proof of God. Here’s one of the main ones:  Would the entire Jewish people possibly fall for the scam that God revealed...