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Even More Freidom

The Incredible Darkness of Being

I opened my eyes for the first time, and saw from one end of the universe to...

Ba’al Teshuva, or: “Mental Health Issues”

I have alluded to this before in other scathing posts, but it's becoming more and more clear...

What is Aish Hatorah? Is Aish a cult?

is aish a cult - the aish hatorah building in front of the western wall in jerusalem, founded by rabbi Noah Weinberg
Aish Hatorah, or Aish, as it eventually changed its name to be in order to be more...


Sample from chapter #1: Sex in Judaism is a beautiful thing. It’s also terrible. When you do it...

Dvar Torah Generator

Attending a Bar Mitzvah and lost for words? Trying to impress your future father in law but...