In This Week’s Parsha


You want inspiration from this week’s Parsha? I’ll give you inspiration from this week’s parsha.

In this weeks Torah portion, we learn about Moses, humblest of all men, who conveniently had anyone who oposed him killed. But it wasn’t him, it was God.

In this week’s Torah portion we learn about stoning gays.

About how to treat your slave right.

About how much less a woman is worth than a man, in monetary value.

We learn about God’s compassion, and his caring for the Jews like they are his own children, and all those times he smote tens of thousands of them in plagues because they crossed Him, those ungrateful bastards.

In this week’s Parsha we learn about Genocide, and when it’s allowed.

We learn about animal sacrifice, and the minutia that necessitate it.

We learn just how unclean a woman is when she is having her period. And how unclean a man is when he ejaculates.

In this week’s Torah portion we learn how many Jews there were at a specific point in time. We learned who begat whom. We learn when the Jews went where during the 40 years in the desert.


In this week’s Torah portion, we learn about zealots taking laws into their own hands.

About how to deal with idolatrous wives.

About how big a fine you should pay for rape.

About polygamy, from a man’s perceptive.

You’ll learn about leprosy, Good and Evil, and how Jews are the chosen people, destined to becomes greater in number than the sand on the shore and the stars in the sky.

This hasn’t happened yet.

You can be inspired by blessings, shaken by curses, and moved by the six different women who are mentioned in passing.

It is a sweeping book, dictated by God Himself into Moses’ dutiful penmanship and painstakingly transcribed from one generation to the next, even though the font has completely changed over time.

In this week’s Parsha, you’ll learn how to live an ethical and moral life.

By doing the opposite of what the book says.

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