I have alluded to this before in other scathing posts, but it's becoming more and more clear to me, to the point that I almost see it as synonymous.
People generally become religious because they have a fucked up past, and the more religious they become, the more their...
Mental health in the Orthodox world is a catastrophe.
It's gotten marginally better in the Orthodox community in the United States, but in Israel the shitshow still reigns supreme.
It starts with the absolute stigmatization of any mental health issue. Physical ailments aren't great either, but mental health ones...
Are you in the process of getting brainwashed by an Institute for Jewish Wisdom? Is all that mumbo jumbo getting you down as you try to don a black hat a week after being a regular college kid in California?
This handy dandy glossary will provide an explanation for...
Shimon and Shmuesster are proud to present the newest title in the "Rebbi Stories" collection. Each title lovingly written and embellished, we strive to present you with the most accurate and inspirational accounts of the lives of the gedolim past and present, in order that their story be...
Rule #1 of cults, according to the international society of cults, is don't call yourself a cult.
But what if others call you that? That could undermine the whole thing, the whole big plan for world domination.
Here's a great strategy - beat them to the punch, and make...
This was a post I wrote in my teens, while I was still very much religious. As you can see, I was still very bothered by the absolutely abysmal quality of literate in the Jewish community.
By C. Yackobovitch
Writing Frum novels can be an exciting, creative and rewarding experience....
Around two years ago, one of my siblings was struck in a hit and run accident.
They spent a day in the hospital before any of us family members even found out about it.
When we did, there were a few panicked hours as we tried to figure out...
For a long time, I was angry at religion for its own sake.
And don't get me wrong, the thing is full of irrational beliefs and oppressive ideas.
But I'm coming to appreciate over time how, like almost all things, Fundamentalist Religion is really just a tool - a...
We're currently in family therapy, all nine of us and two parents. Even with sessions being 90 minutes long, that gives each of us 8 minutes a week to talk about what is most important to us, assuming the therapist doesn't talk at all. (spoiler: she does)
The best possible...
It's a holocaust out there. Thus was the Aish narrative.
A spiritual holocaust, much worse than any physical one. Because Hitler is taking bodies and Assimilation is taking souls.
And if you take it face value, that's a fucking convenient narrative to have.
Need me to parent my kids?...
Current Weather in Hell
few clouds
100 %
20 %
Even More Freidom
Love Thy Neighbor and All That Jazz
Remember to love thy neighbor, especially if they are not Jewish/religious and are showing signs of...
Chapter #7: Ramat Shlomo
The summer that was the second half of 12th grade, I finally switched yeshivas. My friend had...
The Gadol Hadorburger
Endorsed by the leading minds of the generation, the Gadol Hadorburger is bursting with gadlus in every...
On Compassion
It’s hard to be compassionate when you’re afraid. And charedim are afraid of everything. Of God, of...