Current Weather in Hell

few clouds
62.5 ° F
65.8 °
62.5 °
88 %
20 %
62 °
75 °
75 °
75 °
78 °

Even More Freidom

Our Father in Heaven

Our father in heaven they sayThe father of mercyBut as an almighty beingHe hath chosen to live...

You Don’t Get It

When my cousins were in the army, my aunt refused to leave the country. For years, she...

Having a Large Family is The Opposite of Valuing Life

We're currently in family therapy, all nine of us and two parents. Even with sessions being 90...

There is no God, Only Bigger and Better Questions

In the beginning, man created God. And he thought it would provide him some answers. But bigger...

How Fucking Convenient

It's a holocaust out there. Thus was the Aish narrative. A spiritual holocaust, much worse than any...