The Rabbi, The Rapist, and The Printing Press – A Tale of Mystery and Intrigue


Yeedle Kugelmacher was a pedophile.

Not those shady, creepy people who need to register as sex offenders.

He was of the Rabbi-therapist variety.

You know that whole catholic priest stereotype? Kind of like that, but you need to swap out Catholicism with a different set of arcane beliefs.

Now, before you go accusing him of being a monster, remember: people aren’t all good or all bad. In this case, there were many truly rightious acts that he did in his lifetime.

Many widows and orphans he cared for, and not just in that way. In ways they actually needed, ways that didn’t cause them irreversible trauma.

And let’s be clear, no one saw this coming.

He was an esteemed author of children’s books. Doesn’t that more than qualify him to be a child psychologist, informed in the inner workings of a the developing child’s mind and bound to a strict code of ethics?

It also provides him with a convenient book warehouse in which to do his deeds, because of course he does his own fulfillment.

The whole thing is truly a magnificent leap, because this comes from a world, and from an author who barely acknowledges that women exist. And if they do, certainly not in a way that interacts with men in any way. How did he even know how to rape?

God certainly works in mysterious ways.

And that, by the way, is one of the key takeways. It’s all our fault, and we have to pray harder. Because if we pray harder, God will throw someone else’s kid under the bus because of their sins of their parents.

You know, sometimes God really is trying to teach you a lesson so he has your child molested by a Rabbi without you knowing about it for years.

If your takeaway from that is not crystal clear, well, maybe you should have your faith examined. I know a Rabbi who can help.

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