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Even More Freidom

The Book of Life, or Something

“On Rosh Hashanah, we pray to be inscribed in the book of life,” explains Rabbi Feigenkrantz. “On...

Holy War

Most religions have a concept of the battle between good and evil. An epic conflict between satan...

What is Aish Hatorah? Is Aish a cult?

is aish a cult - the aish hatorah building in front of the western wall in jerusalem, founded by rabbi Noah Weinberg
Aish Hatorah, or Aish, as it eventually changed its name to be in order to be more...

Chapter #11: Mitzpeh

Mitzpeh yericho was my only exposure to the National Religious community in Israel. Being charedi, I half admired...

50 Shades of Gadlus

50 shades of gadlus
Hear me out. You know how Song of Songs, that legendary work of erotic poetry by the wisest...