Most religions have a concept of the battle between good and evil. An epic conflict between satan and god, doing the right thing versus being a schmuck. The good news, we’re promised, is that good will ultimately prevail; in this world or the next. Islam has a word for it...
It’s hard to be compassionate when you’re afraid. And charedim are afraid of everything. Of God, of change, of novelty. Growing up, a healthy dose of compassion would have gone a long way, but there was none to be found. Yiras Shomayim, fear of God, is what it was...
“There are no atheists in a foxhole,” Noah Weinberg used to love to say, swiftly eradicating all actual atheists who undoubtedly have existed in foxholes. That statement further disregards all the individuals who became atheists in foxholes, like the blaspheming Rabbi in Elie Wiesel’s Night. From the moment I...
Judaism teaches that our interpersonal relationships are just a key to relating to God, especially our romantic ones. So, capitalizing on the bestselling book that opened people’s eyes to the fact that not all people are exactly the same, here’s our appropriation of this pop psychology masterpiece. The first...
My very first essay against Judaism, sparked by the story of Rabbi Meir Pogro's various follies. I am very angry right now. My frustration with Judaism lies in its lack inability to transform you as a person, no matter how much Torah you supposedly study. The recently exposed scandal of Rabbi...
In the beginning, man created God. And he thought it would provide him some answers. But bigger and better questions popped up instead.Me. If you think of God as means to explain so much of our the world that we don’t understand, you’ll find that it definitely creates some answers,...
I wrote God a letter. Dear God. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I’ve felt things towards you that I haven’t felt in a long time. I feel giddy. I can’t eat or sleep. I’m constantly thinking about you. To be honest, I’m in awe...
The book cover that started it all. Looking back almost three years to the original comment, I see that I actually independently came up with many of these original ideas. Other titles I can currently come up with include: "Why? answers to life's biggest questions (that just create new questions instead)""The...
See also, Anal.
See also, Hashgacha Pratis.

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