Current Weather in Hell

overcast clouds
63.8 ° F
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Even More Freidom

Oh, the Shame

Shame is a bitch. A motherfucking cuntbusting bitch. Of all negative emotions, it’s the one that hits me the...

Consider Death

Everybody should —in their lifetime consider death, To wonder what it will be like to go to...

Remembering Rabbi Noach Weinberg, Founder of Aish Hatorah

who was rabbi noach weinberg noah aish hatorah
One of my earliest memories of Rabbi Noach Weinberg, also known by the more anglicized name of...

Conditioning for Pleasure

I’ve been working with a coach on experiencing pleasure. It’s not that I haven’t experienced it at...

Shloimie’s Shtark Shiurim

Is your yiras shomayim growing thin? Is your inspiration waining? Are you certain you're doing something wrong...