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What lost objects are your own, and which must you return to their owners?
Rabbi Akiva says a stack of four coins.
Rabbi Meir says five.
Who is right? Teiku. No one knows.

Schmaltzburg leaned against the fence and took a deep drag of the cigarette.

It burned, this being the cheapest, shittiest brand and all.

But so did reality around him. Here at least, he got to control the pain.

He offset it with a sip of his cappuccino, painstakingly made over many minutes in a shitty yeshiva cup. These cups were the dullest of blues, and had no handle, for easy stacking. If Schmaltzburg could imagine, he’d imagine these were the kinds of cups they had in prison.

In yeshiva, you pursued personal growth. At least as far as making a really good cup of coffee is concerned. By devoting yourself fully to the cup of coffee, you got to do two things: have a good cup of coffee, and not learn.

Not learning is a key part of the Yeshiva Bochur lifestyle, and is actually harder when you think in a city where the most exciting thing is an ambulance taking a woman to the delivery room.

In a place so boring you could lie down on the road in an attempt at suicide only to die of starvation, it’s pretty hard to not get any learning done at all.

So you really dove deep into the coffee making. Added just that dab of hot water to the shitty instant coffee powder. Mixed it incessantly for about 15 minutes while making small talk. Adding the perfect amount of milk and sugar.


If you bruise a weasel on the Sabbath, is it indeed a bruise?
Rabbi Hanania says “it is.”.
Rabbi Shimon says “it is not.”
Rabbi Ishamel says “When Rabbi Hanania said ‘it is’, he really meant ‘it is not’, and the ‘not’ was omitted”

Shulem extracted his smuggled guitar out of its case and stroked a solitary chord on it, letting it ring.

He pondered the nature of his transgression. What was so bad about a guitar?

Yeshiva guys were allowed to play guitar on Thursday nights, staying up late on trips up North or to the Kotel, because Friday was a total wash. You didn’t need to study Torah on Fridays.

But the rest of the week was sacred. How could you waste a precious moment of Torah study? A single word of which is more valuable than diamonds, or some sort of gold thingy. At least that was King David’s view on the matter.

How I love your Torah!

Shulem strummed along as he sang.

All day long it is my conversation!

This wasn’t technically true, because he was singing instead of actually studying. But apparently the thought counts for something (although it was unclear when, exactly this was the case).

His shrill, off-key voice stretched to its highest, most minor registers as he reached the chorus:

How I love your Torah!

All day long it is my conversation!

Mozart this wasn’t. The song contained four chords and twelve words. Somehow the studio recording managed to drag it out for five minutes. It involved many sax hits and choirs: old men for the bass vibes, young boys for the lady bits.

If you repeated it enough though, it started to grow on you. Like a mantra. Or a cancer. It was his third time around and he was really starting to get into things, belting it out with his eyes closed.

When he opened them again, he met the dark, intense, disapproving eyes of the Rosh Yeshiva.

As he stared out of the bus window later that day, his guitar in its case between his knees, he pondered how the Rosh Yeshiva always seemed to know exactly where infractions were occurring. It was like a sixth sense.

He’d gotten off easy, probably because he was a good student overall. Sent home immediately to drop the guitar off, with a reprimand to never bring it back or he’d be toast. The whole shpiel had been accompanied by choice references to key mussar books about his terrible deeds.

“It’s one thing if you do it for yourself, but we’ve heard that other boys have been hanging out with you while you play. How can you do Teshuva over a sin you caused someone else to commit?”

He was a terrible human, he knew, for breaking the Yeshiva’s rules. For Bitul Torah. For wasting another day on earth by not becoming wiser during it.

And all for a stupid guitar.

The guilt stayed with him long after that earworm of a song had faded from his mind.

It was years before he touched an instrument again.

How long must you salt a liver for, and with how much salt?
The Shla says for eight hours, with a handful of salt.
The Ramach says, twelve hours, with two olive sized amounts. Also, it must be in a wooden bowl.
The Rivach disagrees regarding the amounts: he says six hours is enough.
The Ba’al halichos explains that the Rivach only meant it if you use an egg size amount of salt, but the Shutz Hariva says that it applies in all cases.
Nowadays, the common tradition is to soak things for 24 hours, just to be safe.

Hershel Jankowitz took a closer look at the pair of white underwear before him. He held it up under the light, just so, like the Rabbi had shown them, and stared at the spot.

He’d be damned if he could tell if that was a red or brown one. It seemed to literally shift colors as he stared at it. A different watt light bulb would probably throw this whole thing off.

A bead of sweat formed on his forehead. Also because he was wearing a suit in sweltering July, and also because of the enormity of his responsibility.

To pronounce it brown would mean the couple would have sex that evening. And sex with a Niddah woman was about the worst thing you could do.

Kares. Just like that. No afterlife for you. You tried to be a good Jew for 40 years. Kept your kosher. Kept your Shabbat. Refrained from gossip or thinking of other women.

Then once, just once, you slipped up on the whole Niddah thing and boom, you’ve lost your World To Come. Your entire point of existence comes screeching to an abrupt stop. It was though you were set up to fail, and failure was more definite, more far-reaching, than any amount of success you could try to achieve.

He swapped underwear with his neighbor Benji. “What’s your take on this one? I’m thinking blood, but I’m not sure.”

Benji took a closer look, peering down at the underwear through his thick glasses, which had slipped down his sweaty nose. He scrunched up his face in a dual attempt to raise his glasses closer to his eyes as well as see through to the Absolute Truth contained in this underwear.

They were either pure or impure. They just had to find out which.

Hershel envied Benji. The guy seemed totally comfortable on the hard Kollel bench, like he could stay there for another hundred years. Like reading endless tiny words on irrelevant topics was not a mind-numbingly miserable experience for him. He couldn’t say the same thing for himself.

Benji always seemed to be able to rattle off endless Rabbinic opinions on every line of Shulchan Aruch they read. Seemed completely nonplussed when it was time to whip out their wives’ respective underwear and start looking at them under the halogen desk lamps. Seemed to always know exactly what the right thing to do was, halachically speaking.

“Definitely brown,” pronounced Benji. “It’s Kosher.”

Hershel restrained a whoop, but internally his heart leapt. He hadn’t told Benji, because this was supposed to be anonymous, but that was his wife’s underwear. They’d been trying to get clean for a week now. It had been three weeks since they’d last had sex and every time they thought they were in the clear she spotted again.

He tried not to think about the fact that his wife would be getting her period in a week and they’d be through this all over again. “It’s like a monthly honeymoon,” is how the rabbis had explained Niddah laws. “Every time you get back together, it’s with renewed passion and commitment.” He had never been more miserable in his life; this ordeal was straining his sanity, and his marriage, to its limits.

Benji wasn’t a Posek yet. They only got their certificates in the fall. But he be damned if Benji’s word wasn’t good enough for him. Benji knew his shit. He knew his Shach from his Taz. His Rivas from his Rashbams. He’d been taking this workshop for three years now.

Benji had spoken.

There was gonna be sex tonight.

A Life of Service

Avreml Zingelwald kicks off his shoes and jumps into the freshly dug grave. He’s done this a thousand times before. It’s his job.

Yankel Vozserzach hands him the body. They’ve done this so often, multiple times a day, that their movements are fast, mechanical, sterile.

This lumpy body in its shrouds could just as easily be a sack of potatoes. Avreml scoops the stretcher out from underneath it, and arranges a row of cinderblocks above it. They don’t use coffins in Israel, so the body can decompose faster.

When the maggots eat the flesh of a decomposing body, explains the Talmud, the soul feels like it’s being pricked with a thousand needles. Better get that nastiness over with quickly, they say in Israel.

So the body just sits there while the crowd eulogizes it in a singsong voice of anguish that is perfectly calibrated to make you cry. Dead men are covered in a Tallis. Women just have a white shroud.

And you can make out the overall contours of the body, and you can pretend it is just sleeping, not dead; and you can try to guess if they have its arms crossed over the chest or straight by its side and many other musings that your mind conjures up to distract you from the starkness of the moment.

Avreml recites the appropriate verses at the appropriate times.

“He sits in the shade of the Lofty One.” He climbs out of the pit and puts his shoes back on.

“In the shade of Shaddai, he rests.” He uses a trowel to drag some dirt into the grave.

“One thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand on your right.” Sobs emerge from the crowd.

“They can’t approach you.” Avreml carries right along, speaking so quickly only a learned ear can make out what he’s actually saying.

“I shall satiate him with long life, and I shall show him my salvation.”


Avreml climbs back in to the blue Chevra Kaddisha van with its extra tall roof. Benches line either side of the walls, facing two blunt metal hooks in the center that hold up the stretcher.

He slams the door shut and they drive out of the cemetery.

On the way out, the van passes by the children of the deceased, who have not gone down to the gravesite.

When a person spills seed, each potential sperm that is lost becomes a demon, and greets the person when they enter heaven. “Why did you not give us the gift of life?” Demand millions of incensed sperm-monsters, jealously pointing at the man’s actual children. “They got to live! What about us?”

And so, as to not antagonize them further, the Jerusalem tradition is that children don’t enter the cemetery.

They say attending to a body is the ultimate form of kindness, one that will not be repaid. This may be true psychologically, but economically it does pay quite well, and at this point Mendel dunks the bodies in the Mikvah and cuts their fingernails as stoically as one might prepare a sandwich.

He washes his hands six times, and prepares for his next ultimate act of kindness.

Lifetime Guarantee

Avrumi Zeivald was prepared to meet his maker. Or at least a maker. Someone’s, even if not his.

The Torah, the Rabbis had assured him, came with a lifetime guarantee. It was guaranteed to be true, or he’d be eligible for a full refund. The problem was, that as Avrumi’s soul prepared to expire, the warranty prepared to do so as well. Which opened up to a host of alternate scenarios in which other creators played a leading role.

He lay in his hospital bed at the top of the hill. The most beautiful view he could think of, the most beautiful view he knew. Sparse desolate desert stretched out before him, with the occasional shrub holding on to life for dear life. It was beautiful, in a sparse, desolate kind of way that reminded you just how empty life was. It was enough to make you cry from laughter at the meaninglessness of it all.

Lying in the hospital bed, surrounded by friends and family. 12 of his 14 kids had made it (Chaya Sarah was in the process of giving birth, Shmerkel hadn’t spoken to him in years). 36 of his 62 grandchildren. Many of the local villagers were there as well. He appreciated the gesture. They were performing their civic duty. He neither felt close to them, nor distant. They just were. Part of life, in a village, in a desolate desert.

He always knew he’d die from cancer. It was a feeling he had; and anyway, it seemed like everyone these days was dying of cancer. The doctors suggested chemo and radiation to buy him some time: six months, maybe a year. The thought of getting treatment didn’t even cross his mind. Life wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t that great. Leave the meds and the hospital bed for someone who actually wanted to stick around.

He was religious, but he was his own kind of religious. God was there, but in 40,000 feet above kind of way. Like a corporate vision that didn’t quite translate into day to day company operations. He got himself some of those popular posters of sexy Rabbi heros to hang up on his wall. A mural of 80 year old Rav Shach in a speedo on the beach adorned his sukkah walls every year. The art was not great, as most Orthodox art wasn’t, but it got the point across with a brute, uncreative rawness. He liked the picture, and followed it up with one of Rav Fisher in a mankini, long white beard flowing in the wind, straps strategically hiding his sagging old-man nipples.

“Who will merit to walk the path of life?” The verse asks. “He who beholds the Rabbis.” Avrumi had the photos made into little wallet-sized versions, and carried them around wherever he went. That way, whenever he was buying some kugel or rain boots or Tzedakah points, he was reminded of the Rabbis who reminded him of God who reminded him of the lifetime guarantee and the pointlessness of it all. It made him feel better.

He looked around at the crowd. This was exactly how he’d wanted to go. The Rabbi from the Ministry of Lifecycle Events was there to sign the Premature Death certificate. The hooker was there, to give him his one last blow job. He couldn’t ask for a better sendoff. The nurse handed him his pills, a combination of LSD and MDMA. At 100 times the recommended dosage, he was guaranteed to have a stroke. What better way to go than administering so much dopamine to the brain that it short-circuited itself? He couldn’t think of any.

He popped the pills, and, as the Yeshiva Boys Choir Psychedlc Pesach album began to play, he sank deeper into the bed. He took a big, shuddering inhale and let it out slowly, feeling the weight of it all – the indecisiveness, the lack of clarity, the mundane and the sacred – all if it just melting away. He took a final look at Rav Shach in the speedo and Rav Fisher in his mankini. He’d be meeting them soon enough, apparently. The officiating Rabbi helped him say the final prayer (“Blessed art Thou, God, who has given us life and sustained us until this time”). The hooker tucked her heads beneath the sheets and went to work.

Avrumi closed his eyes one last time. There would be no need for a refund.


There is a tradition, at the Eisenkopp Yeshiva for Fine Young Men, that when you make yourself tea, you fling the used teabag at the ceiling and see if it sticks.

It is called teabagging, and no one knows why it is done. Some speculate that it’s a reminder that all goodness comes from above. Others say it is fucking fun to do and you should try it some time. Regardless, it is tradition, and tradition is sacred.

The ceiling of the coffee room is almost indiscernible amidst the forest of brown, upside down teabags, their strings gently waving in the breeze from the electric fans.

The Rosh Yeshiva is furious about it. The Mashgiac has devoted three shmuzim to the issue this zman alone. But the pattern continues.

Because tradition is tradition.

There is a tradition, at the Eisenkopp Yeshiva for Fine Young Men, that when a Fine Young Boy gets engaged to a Fine Young Girl, that her father should buy you a house.

What kind of house, and where, depends on just how fine a Fine Young Boy you are.

If you are The Illuy of The Yeshiva, known to engage in fierce Talmudic debate over the finer points of Cheftza vs. Gavra with the Rosh Yeshiva Himself, you deserve a penthouse in the middle of Jerusalem.

If you’re a Solid Bchur, boruch hashem, known for diligent and studious traits, some who shteigs over his shtender day and night, you should at least get a nice apartment in the periphery. You can then rent it out and live in the big city.

If you’re the kind of bochur who never shows up to shachris, smokes more cigarettes a day than there are letters in the Torah, and spends most of the day in the coffee room flinging teabags at the ceiling, then alas, you may need to pay for half the apartment yourself.

May Hakodush Boruch Hu, The Holy One Blessed Be He, place you in the first, penthouse category and not in the last, as the verse sayseth “Let us be the head of the fish, and not the tail”.


Some Settling May Occur

be a famous guru and change the world
be a renowned therapist in my own city
find a therapist

save the planet
save the date
try to save

be a millionaire
be debt free
pay the credit card minimums

build a business
build a career
try to keep my job

be the world’s best dad
try to be there for the kids
try not to swear at them

fuck all the people
fuck some people
fuck my life

travel the world
explore the town
get outside every day

build a bed
make my bed
get out of bed

make breakfast
buy breakfast
force yourself to eat breakfast

Stare at the cereal box, chewing:
Some settling may occur

The Tree of Undisclosed Fruit

In the beginning, God created throat cancer and eye parasites and rivers for people to drown in. And He saw that it was mighty swell.

“You see that tree?” asks God.

“Yes,” says Adam, squinting.

“Don’t eat from it.”


“Because I said so,” said God, beginning to lose his everlasting patience. “It’s The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you eat from it, you’ll know what is and isn’t good for you. You’ll know the true nature of throat cancer, and that I created you without any clothes on, as a prank (the angels can’t stop laughing at your pathetic dick).”

“And what if I do eat from it anyway?” inquires Adam.

“It would be very, very bad.”

“What’s ‘bad’?”, asks Adam. Although he speaks Hebrew fluently, that word is unfamiliar.

“Just shut up,” says God.

Fast forward to all of five minutes later. A lot has happened. There’s ladies. There’s talking snakes. There’s illicit snacking.

“Do you realize how bad you’ve been?” shrieks God, absentmindedly destroying the dinosaurs in his fury.

“I do now,” says Adam. “Retroactively.”

God takes a deep heavenly breath and counts to seven, his favorite number. It’s gonna be a long 6,000 years.


Sometime in between acting out suicide bombings with his Playmobile

In between sneaking into his grandparent’s house to try to masturbate to a nipple on Fashion TV

In between hoping his parents had seminary girls over for Shabbos meals so he could talk and look at girls

In between browsing porn at 14 for an hour every day between morning prayers and class

In between reading every chapter he ever learned 24 times

In between struggling to memorize endless pages of Mishanic non sequiturs

In between the daily hour of study he had every evening to supplement the 10 and a half hours of school

In between sneaky peeks at the censored pages of National Geographic magazines for glimpses of African boobs and prehistoric man

In between his monthly forays out of the city walls to visit his Orthodontist

In between getting tutored every evening in Gemarah to make sure he was ready for “a regular school”

In between daily existential struggles about the meaninglessness of his study and why he sucked so much at it

In between the daily dread of new study material which would need to be understood and memorized with sheer brute force

In between wearing teffilin every class and removing them for every break

In between the struggle to understand the words coming out the Rebbe’s mouth even though he could have sworn he understood the language

In between being the only one in class who could speak English or care about math

In between the guilt of not going to school on Shabbos and the boredom of having nothing better to do

In between fighting with his nine siblings over noise and personal space as they tried to share four tiny bedrooms

In between the continuous struggle to fulfill the indiscernible word of God

Shalom Tzvi found time to be himself


So it had come to this. He was dead, and it was judgement time.

His first grade Rebbe had warned him about this moment. Rosh Hashanah davening had reminded him of it. And now, 83 years later, it was really happening.

“When you arrive in heaven, you’ll stand before God on His heavenly throne, surrounded by all the angels. And you will be tested on everything you learned, to see what you remember.”

Currently, he could remember jack shit.

For fuck’s sake. He’d read some of those verses 40 times. Then once more every year on that week’s parsha. A lot of good it was doing him now.

His early stage dementia certainly wasn’t helping.

He’d studied so hard, all those years ago. And his Rabbis stood by, assisting in reminding him that no matter how hard he tried, it wasn’t nearly hard enough. Not even close.

“Be glad you’re not in Yemen,” they had admonished. “In Yemen, boys would keep an orange under their chin while studying; if they looked up and the orange fell, they’d get a beating.”

They reserved beatings for more serious crimes, like when Ariel Rubanovitch threw an orange peel at the teacher.

His classmates had made games to pass the time.

How many times would the Rabbi adjust his glasses in a single class? (103)

What was the record for most times one kid got smacked in a row? (23)

What if he’d spent more time studying and less time counting blows?

“Torah is not like math or science. When you learn those things (not that you ever will, or should) you learn them once, and remember them forever,” explained Reb Yechiel, his all-knowing first grade Rebbe.

“Torah is different. If it were like that, you’d just learn it once, remember it all, and move on. So there’s a blessing where you will keep forgetting the Torah you learn unless you constantly immerse in it, as the verse says ‘she is your young elk wife of love, her breasts will satiate you at all times.’.”

Velvel could think of nothing that sounded less like a blessing, or less sexually attractive.

Forget about forgetting. Even if he remembered everything he’d learned, years and years of information which he’d desperately shoved into his dense brain, it was only a matter of time, minutes probably, before the test reached the outer realms of his knowledge and fell into the category of “you should have learned that if only you’d tried a little harder”.

He was sure he could have tried a little harder. The test was rigged. He was fucked.

No one was impressed when you remembered. That was how it was supposed to be. But there were sure as hell pissed if you forgot.

His Father in Heaven was not impressed.

“Nu, Velvel, not a single verse?” He peered down his heavenly beard, his Almighty face overcast and stern. (Velvel found himself noticing, despite himself, how similar God’s face looked like Reb Yom Tov’s his third grade teacher) He’d stopped running the entire universe to judge Velvel, and it was proving remarkably disappointing. The fun of the hunt only exists if the rabbit doesn’t just roll over and take it in the ass.

Velvel emitted an indiscernible squeak. The angels bounced and chattered around God’s throne, supremely entertained. Michael and Gabriel, perched on each of God’s shoulders, jeered at him like a pirate’s monkeys.

It wasn’t every day that someone got their ass handed to them by God during a heavenly judgement. Oh wait, it was. It was every day. Multiple times a day. What fun it was to be an angel!

“What’s gotten into you Velvel?” asked the all-loving one, not unkindly.

“Wait.” God’s lips tightened with suspicion. “You weren’t eating… olives, where you?”

Velvel felt his stomach drop. A wave of shame flooded over him. He felt exactly the same way as he had at 5, watching Reb Avraham scream at him and the rest of the class who had lost their place in the book. God, not much had changed in 83 years.

He gave the slightest of nods, not daring to raise his gaze from the floor and his awkwardly fidgeting feet.

“Olives!!!! How could you???” roared God, spit flying out of His mouth like sparks. Wait, they were actually sparks. Several landed on the wincing Velvel, causing him to wince even more than he ever thought possible.

“You didn’t even think to pour olive oil on it to negate some of its effects?”

“I usually did…” Velvel managed to rasp weakly.

“Usually is not good enough!” raged God. “All it takes is once to forget 70 years of learning, I was quite clear about that (Yavamos page 33 side b)! Of course you don’t remember jack shit (yes, I can read your mind, duh), what do you expect?

“And it gets worse! Gabriel, the recording if you please.”
Gabriel scampered over to a giant projector off to one side of the heavenly courtroom and hit play. Velvel watched a giant version of his much young self – maybe aged 18 or 20 – walking down the street. Passing by a fire hydrant, a shop, between two women walking in the other direction….

“Stop the tape!” screamed God. Gabriel stopped the tape. “Look at that!!! Walking between two women? Is it any wonder your mind is as blank as the day you were born? Did I not clearly specify that walking between two women, two non- Jews, or two dogs could induce forgetfulness?

“Satan! Take him away. Let him burn, along with all the other evil ones. Does the verse not state that forgetting one word of Torah is as though you have spat in God’s face?

“H-how long are you sentencing me for?” gasped Velvel. This was even worse than Reb Yom Tov had described it.

“Twelve months!” Said God, striking his heavenly gavel so that a gigantic thunderclap echoed through both heaven and earth. “As the verse says, ‘gehenom for the wicked is 12 months.’

“But,” gloated God, leaning forward on his heavenly staff and looking smugly at Velvel. “You’ll find that 12 months of eternity is a very long time indeed.”

Spoken Word

One of my favorite memories of all time is a simple one. Reuven Karasik and Tehila Ben Kalifa came and stayed with me for the weekend. We had a sleepover. They listened to my stories. We laughed and watched movies and talked like I always imagined friends did – but never really ever experienced.

We grabbed folding scooters and scooted through the city like 10 year olds, making an absolute racket. There was magic in the simplicity of it.

And we wrote this poem, in a rare collaborative process that is greater than the sum of its parts, the shared experience of three ex-religious humans making sense of the bullshit that gets thrown at them in the process.

We left it as a rough draft until I found it on my computer today and edited it. Imagine it in the your best Reuven-Karasik spoken-word voice.

I recently got very high and made a rap version of this song. It may not be good, but it needed to happen.

האם אלוהים יכול לברוא אבן שהוא לא יכול להרים?
האם רב יכול ליצור שיעור שיכול לא להרדים?

יהדות היא לא דת, היא האמת לאמיתה
והדבר הכי חשוב? שלא יהיה דם בחביתה

אחרי ההיגיון באה האמונה
לא כמו הנוצרים – הם סתם אמונה טפלה

תוכיח את אלוהים? זה כתוב בתנ”ך!
יהודי מאמין יכול להתספק בכך

איך יתכן שמליונים משקרים בעיניים
שבמעמד הר סיני משה עלה לשמיים?

אז כולם טועים רק אתה חכם?
אתה יודע יותר מרש”י והרמב”ם?

התורה היא עמוקה אם רק תלמד לצלול
כבר לפני 2,000 שנה ידענו שהעולם עגול

תראה כמה סלבס חוזרים בתשובה!
אפילו אינשטיין אמר שלא להכל יש תשובה

אוולוציה? אין שם בעיה!
כל יום בבריאה שווה מליון שנה
זה סתם שאדם הראשון הוא הראשון עם נשמה

איך זה שכולם רודפים אותנו?
אין לך שום גאווה?
השואה היא חלק מגלות לתקומה
זה הפתרון הסופי להקמת המדינה

אנחנו עם אוניברסאלי
אבל אנחנו הכי
מחיית עמלק? זה ציווי אלוהי

כל ההמצאות הטובות היו של יהודים
יש כמות חסרת פורפוציות של דמויות מפורסמים
גם מנדלייב, גם צוקרברג וגם סרגי ברין
ואל תשכח את אדם – הראשון, סנדלר, ולוין

יותר פרסי נובל חולקו ליהודים
מכמות הפרסים שבכלל קיימים

אין לך בושה, שום יראת אלוהים
מה עכשיו תהיי זונה ותשכבי עם בנים?
תדרדרי למסיבות, אלכוהול, וסמים?

אתה רק רוצה לכייף ולשכב עם בחורות
ללכת לספארי ולגלות עריות

ואם ההגיון יגיד לך לקפוץ מהגג?
ואיך תהיה מוסרי עכשיו?

אין לך מושג מה זה עושה לי בפנים
רק אל תקלקלי את האחים

הסיטרא אחרא השתרש לך בלב
אולי כיף לך עכשיו אבל בגהינום זה כואב

זה בגלל שנולדת חרדי – הם כאלה קרים
זה בגלל שאתה דתי לאומי –
או פשוט ההורים

מעולם לא ראית שבת אמיתית
מעולם לא חווית התבודדות משמעותית
מעולם לא הרגשת תפילה עוצמתית

כולנו יודעים שאתה יודע שאתה טועה
אתה מעמיד פנים החלטי אבל בפנים אתה תוהה

יש איזה רב שאתה חייב לפגוש
הוא לגמרי יבין אותך – יש לו ת’ראש

כתשגדל תחזור להבין
זה יחזק אותך בעקיפין
זה רק תקופה שצריך לעבור
בסוף עוד תחזור

אל תדאג, אני אתפלל עליך

Current Weather in Hell

moderate rain
40.9 ° F
40.9 °
40.7 °
93 %
75 %
40 °
38 °
39 °
39 °
41 °

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