Hear me out. (No good idea ever started with that, did it?) What if the entire Zionist idea was just a first draft for an even more Final Solution? At the time, Zionism was revolutionary. And it has had its benefits, to a degree. (Although if World War II had broken...
For the most part, I identify as left-leaning. In many ways, I am more critical of Israel than the average Jew. But I have long been aware of the dangers that far left ideologies pose - the prioritization of minority rights above all else, the justification of violence when it's...
When my cousins were in the army, my aunt refused to leave the country. For years, she made sure to stick around just in case something happened to them. Aside from the level of devotion this demonstrated, which I can only be jealous of, it's illustrative of something that few...
Growing up, the narrative that Ultra Orthodox Jews (aka "Charedim") had as to why they weren't serving in the military was that they were actually performing their own crucial service - they were protecting the country spiritually. The harder they studied and prayed, the more protected the soldiers on the...
My brother joins the Israeli military tomorrow. My main emotion is sadness, which is saying a lot because I don't usually let myself feel much sadness. Yosef is joining a special-forces unit, which means he'll be doing harder, more brutal training, get exposed to more dangerous situations, and do...
Join Shlemple on a whimsical journey of soul crushing death and destruction. Sure to be a direct hit for the whole family.

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Even More Freidom

The Book of Life, or Something

“On Rosh Hashanah, we pray to be inscribed in the book of life,” explains Rabbi Feigenkrantz. “On...

There is no God, Only Bigger and Better Questions

In the beginning, man created God. And he thought it would provide him some answers. But bigger...

50 Shades of Gadlus

50 shades of gadlus
Here me out here. You know how Song of Songs, that legendary work of erotic poetry by...

The Cult of the “Tolerant”

For the most part, I identify as left-leaning. In many ways, I am more critical of Israel...