He's a macher.
He can get you into seminary and out jail with a well placed phone call.
He can bring you back into the fold or get you excommunicated for life with a flick of his flip phone.
He's a macher.
He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and...
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Are you in the process of getting brainwashed by an Institute for Jewish Wisdom? Is all that mumbo jumbo getting you down as you try to don a black hat a week after being a regular college kid in California?
This handy dandy glossary will provide an explanation for...
Shimon and Shmuesster are proud to present the newest title in the "Rebbi Stories" collection. Each title lovingly written and embellished, we strive to present you with the most accurate and inspirational accounts of the lives of the gedolim past and present, in order that their story be...
This was a post I wrote in my teens, while I was still very much religious. As you can see, I was still very bothered by the absolutely abysmal quality of literate in the Jewish community.
By C. Yackobovitch
Writing Frum novels can be an exciting, creative and rewarding experience....
I was honored, nay honored, to be part of the rebranding of one of the most established names in Jewish cuisine. Freedom Cracker has been serving up stale cold matza since 1776, and when they approached us to “bring matza to the 21st century”, we jumped at the opportunity.
For a long time, I was angry at religion for its own sake.
And don't get me wrong, the thing is full of irrational beliefs and oppressive ideas.
But I'm coming to appreciate over time how, like almost all things, Fundamentalist Religion is really just a tool - a...
Join me on an exciting adventure through the Jewish year, as we explore how each holiday contributes to its own mental health disorder. The power of Jewish Wisdom compells you!
The theme through all of this is disproportion - doing one thing to the extreme one period a year and...
Gedlya Goldfinger holstered his PsalmRay.
Whereas the rest of the Goyishe Velt used neutron chips and nanotechnology to power their zappers, the psalm ray, engineered by The Conglomeration of Rabbis Against Advanced Technology, had been constructed mechanically.
It was very steampunk, if Gedlaya had only known what that was, or how...
Current Weather in Hell
overcast clouds
81 %
100 %
Even More Freidom
Shit People Teach in the Name of Religion
I recently crowdsourced a list of things people had been told or taught during their stint with...
Chapter #6: Yeshiva Gedola
12th grade is the first year of Yeshiva gedola. Literally the big leagues, this is the first...
Chapter #11: Mitzpeh
Mitzpeh yericho was my only exposure to the National Religious community in Israel.
Being charedi, I half admired...
Simcha’s Journey from Ultra-Orthodox Judaism to Self-Discovery
In this episode of Beyond Belief, Tales of Religious Exodus, siblings discuss Simcha's personal journey from an...
The 5 Spiritual Love Languages
Judaism teaches that our interpersonal relationships are just a key to relating to God, especially our romantic...