In the hyperbolic style of Mishpacha Magazine. Inspired by bullshit like this.
Mild mannered and unassuming, most people looking at Gedalya Halevi Fleagenkrautz would not realize the man is truly one of the main leaders of the generation, a gadol who has brought thousands closer to Yiddishkeit.
In the corner, a...
An interview with Rabbi Shalom Tzvi Shore, spiritual leader of the anti-Kiruv movement. This article is part of a series written by the weekly publication Yated magazine, written in their signature broken English and bad grammar that is a mainstay of Orthodox Jewish culture.
Speaking with Rabbi Shalom Tzvi Shore,...
Rabbi 1: Summer is coming, brace yourself.
Rabbi 2: oy vey, summer? People have way too much fun in the summer
Rabbi 1: Yeah, it happens every year. It's horrible. All those elbows and beach parties.
Rabbi 2: Whatever shall we do?
Rabbi 1: I know, I know, let’s ban music.
Rabbi 2: Oh...
With the help of AI, I am now able to attend to my true calling of being a children’s storybook author.
This book is about pride.
Jewish pride.
The best kind.
I made a song about a certain someone. No clue if anyone else will like it. But it was good for my healing.
You gotta admit that the metaphor of Noah's ark sinking is a good one though.
Here it is on Spotify:
Here's how we know that everything on this website is 100% true:
(And let me preface this by saying that we don't know anything with absolute certainty, so it's ok that you don't know with absolute certainty as long as you know it with the same amount of certainty that...
Are you wondering how old you are in Jewish?
This handy dandy guide will convert your English birth date into the equivalent in Hebrew years.
Give it a shot and be amazed!
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A key Aish tactic in proving God’s existence, was emphasizing the unusual.
There is no nation as oppressed as the Jews.
No other nation claims public revelation.
No other book can spell the word Pizza or Hitler with this unique arrangement of letters.
This tactic is a huge part of the discovery seminar,...
Hear me out.
You know how Song of Songs, that legendary work of erotic poetry by the wisest of all men, is not actually at all erotic poetry? It's actually a metaphor for God's love for the Jewish people? It's actually the holiest book ever, by virtue of the old...
Is your yiras shomayim growing thin? Is your inspiration waining? Are you certain you're doing something wrong but not sure what?
Shlomie's Shtark Shiurim provide you with the chizuk you need to get through day, one inspirationally deflating message at a time. Learn about what's causing all the calamaities around...
Current Weather in Hell
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Even More Freidom
Dvar Torah Generator
Attending a Bar Mitzvah and lost for words?
Trying to impress your future father in law but...
Having a Large Family is The Opposite of Valuing Life
We're currently in family therapy, all nine of us and two parents. Even with sessions being 90...
Fighting from The Rear (aka My Ass)
Growing up, the narrative that Ultra Orthodox Jews (aka "Charedim") had as to why they weren't serving...